
  • Making space

    Happy New Year to you all! My first resolution of the year was: start cleaning the cellar and create a space to work in, and later to fly in. No software or soldering to start off the year, but cleaning old stuff, spider webs, old paint and dust, dust, dust....

  • Humbling experience

    Today a short day because we’re going to say goodbye to 2020 (finally) tonight! But, I experienced something very humbling. I ran into memory issues on the Unu, and it took a bit of time before I realized it. I started to implement the communication with the flight simulator software....

  • The radio panel functionally works

    I finished the selection of the function of the radio panel, changing the frequencies and swapping between Standby and Active frequencies. I decided to use two display instead of one. I didn’t like the ‘cramped’ space. I might even add a total of four displays, may need to do some...

  • Setting up software development

    TLDR; Update already after a few minutes in. I’m super impressed by PlatformIO. Best integration in VsCode I have seen so far for any tool. Super glad I found this. I’m ready to start the serious part of the software development. I’m done with tinkering with my code to figure...

  • Using arduino libraries

    After a day of fiddling with my code, I decided to make more use of available libraries out there. It’s simply a bit too much work to do everything from scratch, which I initialy intended. After all, there needs to be a bit of time left for flying the planes....

  • Some soldering and software

    Soldering Today I finished a bit of soldering I started yesterday. I’m preparing for a rather large buttonbox, the buttons for which I will receive in about 14 days or so. I ordered quite a selection of buttons to choose from and I don’t know which will be the best....

  • First integration

    I’m getting the hang of it all a bit. I got a led, a switch plus a potentiometer connected. I didn’t success with the rotary connector yet; I’m suspecting I need a capacitor connected to eliminate some noise from the rotary connector. I ordered some yesterday, so I can try...

  • First electronics success

    I am a super novice when it comes to electronics. Never learned it in school, never used it in my work. Never soldered anything. But, as part of this endeavour, I need to know a bit about it. So, I bought some gear and tonight started my first task. Attaching...