Time for an update on the about page. For now, I will not build another integration package. I will use Air Manager and focus on building the cockpit. Depending on my experiences with Air Manager I may or may not pick up the software part of this. I will build panels using Arduino’s with buttons, switches, et cetera, to make the cockpit more real (and also because I really hate setting frequencies using a mouse). So, for the time being, this is about building the cockpit and learning how to fly.
The project creates an interface between an Arduino and Flight Simulator 2020. I’m focusing on an Arduino Uno and will be using simconnect to connect to Flight Simulator 2020.
There is/used to be a library link2fs but it seems old and no longer supported. In fact, I couldn’t access the pages that go with it anymore. From the videos it looks like it was built beginning of 2000 or something like that.
I will build this software in the next months or so. I’m also building parts for a cockpit, and, because I want to be flying too, I will use Air Manager in the mean time to connect my Arduino (unless I’m real quick ;-)).
Air manager looks like a super app, but delivers too much (can that be?) for me. I want to connect to FS2020, but build my own panels.
To be open and transparent: I have a full time job, also have a significant project on the side already, so I’m unsure how much time I can spend on it. No promises yet, but having defined sprints of 3 months, it will give you some idea on my ideas about that.
This is also my first open source project, so let’s see how this goes. Please, don’t depend on anything I deliver before I label it v1.0. If I decide to do so, I’ll commit on supporting it for some time at least. It might die during the process though.
If you want to get involved, drop me a link at bart@fsarduino.com, or find me on twitter @fsarduino.