
  • First update after a while

    Het is been a while since the last update. The winter and all made me spend my time outside more than inside. It’s not that often that we can skate outside in the Netherlands anymore. I did find time to put on the first coating of paint on the walls...

  • Sur40 in place

    The SUR40 fits. And, I will not tell you that we had to remount it, because my measurement was off quite a bit ;-) But, it fits, it is in a good position now.

  • First electricity

    The first electricity is connected. I am one outlet short, so that will follow tomorrow and then everything will be connected to the power. Not a lot of work to be done today; doing this next to your daytime job is sometimes a bit tiring. Tomorrow’s another day. Not quite...

  • Ready for sur40

    This weekend I finished up the plasterboards and some small things to tidy up. I also checked if the SUR40 screen still works (it does) so I put up the wall mount for it. Let’s hope I did my measurements correctly, because I want it (almost) tight to the ceiling....

  • First plasterboards

    The first plasterboards are on the wall. I will not quit my day job, but for now, it is called progress. The next few days I will be able to work a 2-3 hours per day on it and hopefully I will be able to finish it this weekend. Maybe...

  • Waiting for the plasterboards

    While waiting for the plasterboards (they will arrive next Tuesday) I’ve been thinking about the radio panel. I am still not really comfortable in using the knobs alone to select the frequencies, so I’ve been thinking about using a numeric keypad instead. As you can see I would need 14...

  • Wall preparation done

    I’m done preparing the walls for the plasterboards to be mounted. I hope I can get some delivered in this Covid time; most delivery services are postponed. Let’s see if I can pull some strings with some friends in the industry. I still have a Sur40 PixelSense. It is a...

  • Working on software

    Today I didn’t feel like working on the cellar. Yesterday I completed most of the electricity, so that is almost done. I spent some time on the software, further investigating the integration with Air Manager. I tried to get one Arduino working with two potentiometers and a display, to change...

  • Walls on their way

    Step 1 of the walls is done. The woodwork for the first wall is in place. Also I changed the lighting for a much brighter 50W LED light, so no more hot old, fashioned light downstairs. The walls are very strong though, too strong for my current drills. I ordered...

  • Floor is dried up next steps

    The floor has dried up quite nicely, so it’s ready for the next steps. I’m calculating the material I need for the walls and ceiling of the cellar, will put out my order and start working on those. Completing those will make the cellar accessible for me to work in....