3d print galore

3d print galore

After trying out some 3d prints in a shop, I really liked the results. I also added up the expected costs for creating all the things that I wanted printed. And, the time it takes to get something delivered (still waiting for my last test batch of printed bezels after a week), I decided to go look around for a 3D printer. Printer I found this little (?) beauty for a bargain at 123-3d.nl It was a bit of fuzz to level the bed correctly and to find the correct temperature for the filament I bought with it, but it is now printing excellently. This is the first bezel I printed. I’m making some small adjustments to the design and then will print 10 of them. Bezel Tools I use:

  • FreeCad
  • Ultimaker

    Pro tip

    I have my desk right next to the printer. It does make quite a bit of noise. However, I’m using an amazing tool Krips to noise cancel during meetings. It is truly astonishing that nobody can hear the printer going during meetings, even though I am right next to it and it makes the noise of a starting Boeing ;-)